In his sermon, Rev. Jon Gilbert Martinez explores the connection between Lady Gaga's hit song Poker Face and the Gospel passage from Mark 4:35-41, where Jesus calms the storm. He draws a compelling parallel between the way we mask our emotions in the face of life’s struggles and how the disciples responded with fear and panic during the storm on the Sea of Galilee. Just as Lady Gaga sings about maintaining a composed exterior despite inner turmoil, we often do the same, pretending to be strong while feeling overwhelmed by challenges such as job loss, health crises, or strained relationships. However, Jesus demonstrates a different approach. While the disciples were filled with anxiety, Jesus remained calm, reminding us that faith can serve as an anchor in the storms of life. His command, "Quiet! Be still!" brings not only peace to the waters but also to the hearts of those who trust in Him. Rev. Martinez emphasizes that true strength lies not in hiding our fears but in embracing vulnerability, just as the disciples did when they turned to Jesus for help. Faith is not about pretending everything is fine; rather, it’s about trusting in God’s constant presence and love even when life feels chaotic. Prayer, he explains, acts as our personal "calm button," allowing us to connect with God, express our fears, and find solace. The sermon concludes with a message of hope, encouraging us to let go of our "poker face" and trust that God’s love and strength will carry us through any storm.